An integrated soil-spectroscopy-modeling platform to assess Swiss agricultural soil functions
The Sustainable Agroecosystems group and NABO (Swiss long-term soil monitoring network) have initiated a collaborative project that aims to establish a soil-spectroscopy-modeling platform for Swiss agricultural soils. This platform integrates Soil Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy, traditional laboratory soil analyses, pedotransfer functions, geostatistics and biochemical modeling approaches to create high resolution soil databases that cover the majority of Swiss agricultural lands.
This project aims to extend NABO and several Swiss long-term experimental sites with extensive spatial and temporal soil data to evaluate the effects of conventional and alternative management practices on key soil properties. Based on newly generated soil databases with regional resolution, biochemical models will be used to evaluate field-scale and regional effects of fertilization, tillage, soil cover, and crop rotation on soil nutrient dynamics.
For further information please contact Philipp Baumann ().