Elena Evertz

Professur f. Pflanzenernährung
ETH Zürich, FMG C 17.1
Eschikon 33
8315 Lindau

Research Interests

The aim of my PhD project is to establish oxygen isotope ratios of phosphate as an indicator for the holistic assessment of metabolic activity. As phosphate is a vital component of many biological reactions, including signaling, energy transduction and protein synthesis. Changes of its oxygen isotope ratios could therefore serve as footprints for how biological processes adapt to environmental change.
In this project, we intend to provide the biochemical basis for systematically evaluating oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate as responses to changes in phosphorus metabolism through experiments with model micro-organisms and the study of key metabolic enzymes. Our final goal is to validate this isotopic information as a broadly applicable indicator for ecosystem functioning.
I work at the group of Plant Nutrition at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Dr. Federica Tamburini, but I also receive supervision from Prof. Johan Six. I also collaborate closely with Dr. Thomas Hofstetter and Nora Bernet at EAWAG.


2022 PhD candidate at ETH Zurich (Plant Nutrition)
2020 M.Sc. Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
2018 B.Sc. Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

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